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How do I know which method of extensions to choose?

I can help with that! Start by scrolling down and reading through the extension services I have to offer. Once you feel out the digital consultation, I will assist you in finalizing your selections.

How much do extensions cost?


Extensions range from $500-$3500+. I only use high quality hair and methods that won't damage your hair. You are investing in a superior product and application method when you choose to work with me. 

How often will I have to come in for extensions?


To prevent damage and breakage, you'll need to come in every 6-8 weeks to 3 months depending on which method is chosen. If you chose Chemo Girls, your set will last up to 3 months with excellent care.

How long will my hair be?


That is completely up to you! I offer extensions for length, density, style or a combination of all 3. I am able to get high quality hair at several lengths to meet your needs and am an expert on blending for a natural result. We can order anywhere from 14" to 24". 

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